Monday, September 19, 2011

Something old turns into something new!

Just finished collaging 2 deer figures I bought some time ago. Cor and I went to a pumpkin market 1 week ago where there was this lady from Bontgeblokt, who collaged paper mache figures with just any kind of paper (wrapping paper, paper from magazines, etc.). I bought a reindeer from her and collaged that one first with the paper that went along with it. 

I liked doing it so much that I immediately wanted to continue with a new project.  I saw the deer figures I bought some time ago at Action and decided to collage them. They could use some color! I just used wrapping papers (about 4 different ones for each animal) and wallpaper glue.

You could collage lots of other things you don't like anymore. Make sure to protect the paper with varnish once you are done with collaging!


Marit said...

Zoiets ben ik nou al heel lang van plan met een klein Ikea-kastje... maar het is er nooit van gekomen. Nu ik dit zie gaan mijn handen jeuken... nu nog de tijd vinden om ook eens echt zoiets aan te pakken! Het ziet er geweldig uit!!

Joyce van der Lely said...

Gr8 idea !!!! They look so happy !